
The health sector is inherently vulnerable to a variety of risks, ranging from clinical to operational and financial. These risks can have direct consequences on the quality of care offered, and the financial sustainability of healthcare facilities. In this context, risk management and mitigation become crucial to ensure not only patient safety, but also the efficiency and stability of healthcare facilities.

While maintaining its DNA as an insurance brokerage company, the MAG Group, with its Speciality Healthcare dedicated to public and private healthcare facilities, enters this sector as an innovative Risk Advisory. This division does not limit itself to the traditional role of insurance broker, but instead evolves into a strategic partner offering clinical risk support services. By analysing clinical risk, loss adjusting, medical-forensic second opinions and, most importantly, supporting the establishment of risk funds, MAG aims to revolutionise the way in which healthcare facilities manage their risks, moving from a predominantly reactive to a proactive and strategic approach.

 Suppor to the establishment of risk funds and Total Cost of Risk analysis

This is the most innovative service and is founded on the principles of the recent Gelli Law. MAG has developed a probabilistic-actuarial model to help healthcare facilities manage their risk. By using algorithms, the outcomes of Clinical Risk Assessments are transformed from qualitative to qualitative-quantitative, allowing a precise estimation of potential damage and a more effective allocation of financial resources in the risk fund, i.e. for more informed choices in the placement of RCT MedMal policies.

 Our healthcare services:

  • Actuarial probability analyses for the creation of risk provisions in line with the Gelli Law Implementing Regulation
  • Actuarial simulations to analyse the best way to financially manage the clinical risk (full, partial self-insurance or RCT policy)
  • Loss Adjusting and claims fund quantification support
  • Clinical Risk Assessment & Management including in accordance with JCI protocols
  • Strategic support to the claims committee
  • Insurance brokerage